Saturday, May 25, 2013

How to stop remakes and reboots from ruining your day

Not a day goes by where I don't get asked the question "Why do Hollywood keep making reboots and remakes, do they not have original material?" I always respond with "Do you go see these movies?" and the answer is usually "Yes."

Here's the thing, if people simply stopped going to see these movies then they would not get made anymore.

Just let that sink in... Think about it, why do studios make movies? Is it to entertain you? No. Is it to teach you something? No. Is it so that we have something to do on date night? No. Movies are about making money, at least on the studio level they are, and reboot and remakes are pretty much guaranteed to make a lot of money. Do they care that you or I post on facebook or twitter that we're sick of remakes and would like some original fare? No, because you keep giving them your money for the thing you don't want.

I'm not suggesting that everyone stops watching movies, I'm suggesting that you consider what you watch and if you want good, entertaining stories that are original and fresh and star great actors and actresses who care about it being a great movie then simply  check out the independent movie section on Netflix or iTunes, or wherever you get your movies.

The reason I'm suggesting this is that thats where all the stuff you're saying you want is, fresh, original content by people who care what  you think. Every line of dialogue is carefully considered, not mangled by too many people trying to get a residuals check.

Indie movies, true indie movies are usually made on very tight budgets, these people cannot afford to make silly choices so everything in the movie is carefully considered and thought out. The films are usually made with more passion than money, the actors are doing their own make up, the director is also the DP, the sound guy has a million other jobs, someones mom and dad made the sandwiches that were eaten on set. It's small time but the end result is almost always miles better than the trash you see coming from Hollywood.

Now don't get me wrong, Hollywood has made some great movies and given the chance I'd jump into directing a movie for the studios tomorrow if an offer came. I just feel that people should split their movie going/watching time between the big boys and the little guys.

So one week watch Fast and the Furious 310 but when you're cruising Netflix a few days later watch The Giant Mechanical Man or Nobody Walks or anything that you like the look of. You'll still find some "famous" actors, but more importantly you'll find great stories and artists, people who are really trying to entertain and impress you. People who simply give a damn and people whose day you can make by simply watching their movie.

And why not take it a step further? Check out Kickstarter or Indiegogo and help someone make a movie, you'd be surprised how much a $5 donation can mean, especially if it's the only donation that person gets that day. If every one of my facebook fans (just an example) was to give a $5 donation to an indie movie every Friday then the movie would  get about $2,500. That's a big difference to an indie filmmaker, so even if you give $5 you are making a huge difference to someone and becoming a part of a film. How cool is that?

Obviously the more you give a project the more you get back but it is entirely possible to build a credible career as an "associate producer" by simply donating money to a film on one of the crowdfunding sites. And even better, you know that you're doing something to help people avoid another god damn remake of something from the 80s.

Personally I love indie films, I rarely actually visit the cinema anymore and instead would rather watch something small budget and fun instead of coming out of a movie disappointed and bored (I'm looking at you Broken City!!). I'm lucky in that I know a lot of indie filmmakers personally, I know actors who are making great movies, I know some really awesome writers (and a lot of bad ones!) and we are all focusing on creating awesome, fun, entertaining stories that make original, fresh and entertaining movies. All you have to do as an audience member is give indie film a chance and watch the good stuff.

It's kind of like eating at McDonalds when you have a nice piece of steak ready to eat.

So I encourage you to give indie film a chance, I can guarantee that you'll find some great movies that you'll want to share with everyone.

See you at the Premiere!


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